Block temporary email addresses

Disposable email address services are used for spamming, fake registration, free trial abuse, etc. Our service checks for disposable email addresses, so you can block them in realtime.

Get FREE API token Add to WordPress


Our API is dead simple to use. Just pass an email and your API token and get the validation result as a JSON object.

Single endpoint, JSON response

POST the email address or domain to validate to the check endpoint. You'll get a JSON response with the domain name, disposable email block status and potentially an unresolvable flag.

API Libraries

to get you started even faster. We offer API libraries for Javascript (npm package) and a PHP library (github repo).

WordPress Plugin

Using WordPress? Get out our free WordPress plugin and start blocking disposable email with a few clicks.

Example API calls okay
$ curl
} blocked
$ curl
jane.dont@gmail.con unresolvable
$ curl
WordPress PHP npm Javascript
tech stack

Integrate in any tech stack in minutes. WordPress Plugin and libraries make it even simpler.

Get rid of fake email addresses

New disposable email services keep popping up, and we keep blocking them.

615 entries added to our block list in the last four weeks

124k domains of disposable email providers in our database

500+ happy users of our API and WordPress plugin

Block disposable email in WordPress

Use our WordPress plugin and start detecting temporary email.

Reduce email spam and abuse on your WordPress site in minutes. Just follow three easy steps and start blocking temporary and disposable email today:

Why choose IsTempMail

See why blocking temporary email with our service is so popular:

Huge database

Our database of email providers holds more than 124,000 domains that are known for fake and temporary email. We use this list to identify disposable email addresses.

Always up-to-date

New providers for temporary or disposable email pop up on the web every day. We add between 5 and 20 new providers in a typical day.

Works with WordPress

Our WordPress plugin makes using our service really easy. Just install the plugin, signup for an account and boom - you will be blocking disposable emails.

Developer friendly

IsTempMail was started by a software engineer. We'll gladly answer any technical questions. And you can even get direct access to an engineer depending on your plan.


Simple works best. We have one endpoint for all functionality and give you an easy to parse and human understandable JSON response.

Fair pricing

Basic usage is for free and our paid plans are very affordable. We offer a discount for non-profits, please contact support.

Plans and pricing

Fixed monthly pricing for peace of mind.
Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel any time.



  • 5,000 API requests in 30 days



  • 15,000 API requests in 30 days



  • 50,000 API requests in 30 days



  • Unlimited API requests

You can always start on our free plan with 200 API requests/month.
No credit card required.

Looking for a custom tailored plan and enterprise grade support?
Contact sales.

Read more about how our billing works.


Your questions around disposable email, answered.

What are disposable email addresses?

Disposable email is also known as 'temporary email' or 'throwaway email'. They are email addresses that are created for single use or short term use. They often look like random letters and numbers.

A person creating a disposable email has access to that address for a limited time. Sometimes emails are forwarded to their personal email address. In other cases they use a website to send and receive mail from and to the disposable address.

When a disposable addresses expires the person who originally created it will no longer be reachable at that address. Sometimes this happens automatically just minutes after address creation. Sometimes users can choose to expire temporary addresses at any given time.

Why block disposable email?

Many types of organisations and businesses provide products or other value - in exchange for just an email. They make their money at a later point by selling to the people who provided their emails. Examples are free product trials, freebie products, and community memberships.

So, when you give real value in return for an email address, you'll expect to receive a real address. If you don't that's unfair. This is where blocking temporary email comes into play. You'll know people who sign up are using their actual address. You'll be able to talk to them later. Their address won't be gone.

When blocking disposable email you will be collecting more personal email addresses. This comes with the responsibility to store these addresses safely and use them for ethically sound communication. It's simple: act with integrity.

Why do people use disposable email?

There are various reasons to use throwaway email. These reasons are reactions to how email has been used in the past. Companies, individuals and even government have used email and personal email addresses inappropriately. This includes sending bulk promotional mail and spam, sending abusive content. People's privacy has been invaded by tracing online activity back to their email and linking it with their identity.

People use disposable email to keep their personal email cleaner and safer from these types of email abuse.

How does istempmail block temporary email?

We operate a database of providers of disposable emails and the domain names these services use. Both change on a daily basis Keeping the database up to date for our customers is not an easy feat. We have multiple automated and manual processes in place to guarantee high reliability of our scoring:

  • Research market for new providers of disposable email
  • Identify new domain names as existing providers start using them
  • Manual verification of domain we see for the first time (yes it happens :)
  • Check and aggregate publicly available blacklists
  • Validate domains reported by our users

When customers use our service, they send us email addresses or domain names. We validate them against our database of known temporary and dispoable email domains. When there is a match domain the email should be blocked – so we tell the customer, and they refuse the email address. This all happens in realtime through our API. Our magically behind the scenes in our WordPress plugin.

Where do I report a domain to be blocked?

Temporary email services pop up every day. Existing ones constantly start using new domain names. We're glad you want to help keep the list up to date.

If you have an account go to report a domain. Alternatively login and navigate to Domains > Report.

If you don't have an account you can report a temporary email domain via email. Just drop us a message at

How can I get a domain unblocked?

If you think a domain that we block should not be blocked, let us know. Usually this happens when domains that were used by a temporary email provider expire and then come under new ownership. In such a case a domain might still be in our blacklist data. To get your domain checked and removed please send an email to

About us

IsTempMail was a side project for stopping fake registration and free trial abuse at our SaaS FastCron. It became so effective that we made it a stand-alone service.